Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Latex Balloons - Why doesn't Greenpeace care?

As we all know, Greenpeace is all about saving the planet and its inhabitants. What about the seals, penguins and other ocean/lake/sea inhabitants? You see, people like to release latex balloons into the sky for numerous reasons. What goes up, must come down, and sometimes it comes down over water and is mistaken for food. How many animals have choked on those balloons? My question is: While organizations are saving the rainforests, preserving wildlife habitats, and protecting the ozone...why are they not concerned with latex balloon consumption by animals? They were freaking out over hairspray not so long ago...Latex Balloons - Why doesn't Greenpeace care?
Greenpeace along with most of the other environmental organizations were taken over by former soviet communists, so their agenda is not to save the planet or any animals on the planet. They simply want to undermine capitalism.Latex Balloons - Why doesn't Greenpeace care?
Organizations like Heal The Bay does care and educates the public about the dangers to sea life from latex balloons as well as those plastic 6 pack rings that hold aluminum cans together...I have learned to always cut them so prevent them from ending up in the ocean and getting stuck on the snout of a sea animal.
As we all know, we overlook somethings. Sometimes it can be accidental or purposely. Many companies care about the inhabitants of the water, but not that much. And most of the things that are dropped in the water, are dropped because of the fun we humans are having. Most humans don't care as long as we're having fun. The water and coastly anmals require much more dedication and most people are too lazy to commit to it. Just like marriage (did i spell that right?).
well while greenpeace is busy with some other issues at this moment, there are some companies out there that has taken the initative to the balloon problems that u have stated. For example, Trader Joes at San francisco gives out balloons to little kids when they are at the checkout stands, but last time I saw, their balloons are now 100% biodegradable so thats a good start in alleviate some of the problems.
The day that protecting sea turtles becomes profitable, that is the day Greenpeace will be concerned with the number of debris in the oceans that these turtles ingest.
well i would say that if we all work together,there will be a way to slove this problem.i don't really think this is really bigger than the melting ice and CFC
I honestly do not feel that it is that easy to answer questions like this because there are many reasons.

The largest reason is people and money. Greenpeace and like minded organizations are limited by human and financial resources. They have to have the manpower to run an effective campaign and they also have to have the financial backing to utilize this manpower. For this reason they have to decide what they can do that will provide the most impact for the money. If they spread themselves too thin they will accomplish little and their financial contributors will stop giving money to their cause.

The bottom line is that you have to produce results or make a notable impact in order to keep going.
I would say that theres not enough fame and glory in it for them to tackle this issue.
Greenpeace is and has all ways been about one thing. ';Capitalism bad socialism good.';
Latex balloons are really bad for the environment because sea turtles, sea birds, and many other animal species think that it is food and swollow it which can cause intestinal problems but not breaking up through their digestive system and such. They are cause littering of the environment, stuck in sewer drains, etc....A lot of states are trying to ban the release of balloons.

I teach environmental education so I know all about what plastic can do to the environment.
green peace is about making money, not the environment, but they just ride on the environmental cause for the way to make money.
more animals are killed by ignorant humans than latex balloons. It's not that we don't care, it's just that it would be nearly impossible to stop everybody from buying latex balloons, it's hard enough to stop people from buying fur coats/rugs. D=
Who says they don't care? Just because it's not a priority and they don't make noise about it. They're tackling broader issues, and accomplishing a lot in the process. Their track record is pretty solid.

And the problem with wildlife ingesting the balloons isn't necessarily choking. That's a far more humane death than starvation. When they eat the balloons they can block food from passing into the digestive track and the animal starves and suffers a slow, painful death.

Write a letter or email Greenpeace and ask them your question. I'd be interested in their response.
Then why dont you do something about it if you care. Greenpeace cant save the planet by themselves.

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