Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Do Hospitals Still Use Latex Gloves?

I ask every doctor, nurse, dentist and medical professional I find about their use of latex gloves. Why? Because last year at the age of nine, my son developed a very serious latex allergy.

The answer I'll give is that it varies. I talk to some medical professionals who have done away with them altogether. In fact, my son's new pediatrician does not allow them in the office. My dentist still uses them because they are more comfortable than vinyl and the alternatives. Our local ER won't allow them. So it just varies.

Medical professionals should think about switching because they do put themselves at risk for future latex allergies. I've talked to so many in the health field who have this allergy now. After I explain what my son goes through, I've had people tell me they'll stop using them.

If you have a latex allergy, get an alert band. Every medical professional I have encountered notices my son's band right off and that helps keep him a bit safer.

Sorry if you were not asking for allergy reasons. Latex allergy just takes up a lot of our lives now so that is where my mind goes.

Do Hospitals Still Use Latex Gloves?
Latex gloves are used in every situation where there is contact exposure - dentist, hospitals, money changers, technicians.

Alert them and they will use non latex. Maybe not money handlers or TSA agents - this will only slow you down. Do Hospitals Still Use Latex Gloves?
In most large hospital settings latex gloves are not used. You will mostly find them in the operating room because sterile non-latex gloves are very expensive.
There are some hospitals that use latex gloves and then there are some organizations that will use latex free gloves.
yes they do.

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